After being treated to an unexpected and very loud fireworks display out our window last evening I had hoped that everyone would sleep a bit later today. No luck. The boys were up by five. They showered and then went back to sleep for a bit. The girls managed to entertain themselves in bed for a while and then cat nap until breakfast. The morning was spent playing games and washing hair in preparation for our clinic visit. We frequented our favorite hang out at the food court for lunch and then Svetlana picked us up and took us to the SOS clinic. I am sure the poor ladies at the food court can’t wait for us to leave! Between the group of deaf young men they have been serving and us they are earning their salary this week. Last night I was approached by a young man and asked in English if I was American. He then wanted to know if I was adopting the children. When I answered affirmatively he shared his story of being adopted from here when he was 16 and moving to Ohio. He is now 20 and he and his parents are here for some short-term project. He was moved to see other teenagers finding families. Plus he ordered dinner for us. The deaf men were not so lucky. They had to make do with writing notes on napkins when sign language was getting them nowhere. Svetlana declared that I needed no help at the clinic and dropped us off and away she went promising to return in one and a half hours. Everyone got a relatively clean bill of health. Much to the kid’s dismay, they had to get immunizations before being allowed in the US. Rinat and Zarina only had to get one each with my promise to get their titers checked upon arrival. Sholpan needed two shots and a promise to take her to a cardiologist. Svetlana did return for us and then we zoomed to the embassy to drop off the medical reports before 4pm. Everyone came home exhausted from the excitement and the extreme heat. Another hike to the mall for dinner and we are now ready to settle in for a movie and bedtime.