Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Keith and Susan, 45

From June 2010, China

With Aaron, Beth, and Steve
U2 at Scott Stadium, University of Virginia

With Annabelle and Diet Coke
Changsha, Hunan, China, 2008

From the Reveille UMC Directory, 2007

The Hays Girls
Mary, Susan, and Elizabeth

With Dr. Rima in 2006
Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan

Hymn sing with Beth?

At the stadium of the Hanover Hawks

Seriously, Do NOT disturb

Ocho Rios, 2005

Birch Forest
Lifelong Friends
Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan, 2004

Aktobe, Kazakhstan, October 2002

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sholpan Likes Soccer

Running hard. Did I mention it was 95 degrees here?

Sholpan (Шолпан) found out recently that her name means the Morning Star (Venus) in Kazakh.
That means that she and her biologic sister could now be Venus and Zarina.
Tennis is not their game, however.

Will the Morning Star be a soccer star? You decide.
Either way, the uniform is quite fashionable.

Annabelle and Jacob are One with Nature

Annabelle "recumbent riding" her skateboard

放松 (Chinese for Chillax)

青蛙 (Right! Frog. You really can read Chinese!)

собака (dog)

Threw in a little Russian to keep you on your toes!

I wonder if George Lucas knew Russian when he named Chewbacca...