Thursday, October 30, 2014

Joshua Turns 18!

Another big birthday extravaganza!

So much delicious Chinese food was consumed!

Lucy did the pyrotechnics.

Samuel ate and ate and ate.

Sassy Sophie glittered radiantly.

Annabelle, too.

Jacob was the life of the party!

Noah grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Hannah, too.

The birthday song was sung loudly (and pretty much on key).

Candles were extinguished quickly by the birthday boy.

Zarina says she will be the next (of the 4) to turn 18 this year!


Susan cut the cake and brought out the gifts!


Joshua loves Ramen noodles.
This spicy Korean variety is really tasty.

Many more spicy and wonderful gifts were also graciously received.
Happy Birthday, Joshua!