Sunday, August 25, 2013

The More Things Change, ...

Sophie wanted to see our wedding album.
One thing led to another, and...

James, Matthew

James, Lynsey, Matthew


Susan, Keith (UAB Honors Program)




Keith, Matt, and Lynsey, with Grace

Matt, James, Lynsey



Matthew (blonde) with Keith and Susan

Lynsey and Matt

Matt and Lynsey


Matt, Lynsey (incarcerated)

Before Prohibition

Lynsey and Matthew

Elizabeth Dean, Mary Neal, Susan Thompson


The Dawn of Grace

Grace Catherine Thompson

Matthew with Grace

Lynsey with Grace

Yep. Grace.

Keith, Matt, and Grace

Grace, four weeks old, with Lynsey

At seven weeks, Grace began posing for the camera.

Day by Day

This is the beautiful lobby of the Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center.

This is the handsome bearded three year old named Samuel.

Amish bubble beard!

Wii are brothers.

I'm the sister. Where are all the other girls?

I'm a girl, even though I am also a dog.

We were sleepy, so we went to bed!

Good night!

Really? it can't be bedtime already!

Sleep tight.

Grace at ODU

Moved in to dorm. Beds look nice.

Let the fun begin.

And the studying...

Nutritious grilled cheese sandwiches.

New friends.

FaceTime with Samuel

"Where are you, Grace?"

"I miss you, too, Samuel!"

Sophie: Can I have your room?
Grace: Read my lips. No.