Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mt. Leconte, Dusk

The boys had so many nice things to say about their hike up to Alum Cave Bluff
at dawn that some of the rest of us decided to try it at dusk!

It was definitely icy!

The roads were very long and winding around the mountain going up.

The trail was magnificent.

Mary and Allen Neal

Carson Neal

Susan, bravely traversing bridges

The stairs through Arch Rock

The view from the bottom of the bluff

Madison Neal, with Allen

Susan and Hannah made it to the bluff

Zarina and Hannah, ready to head back down before darkness covers the land

The Arch Rock stairs were very icy on the way back.
Some took the "sit and bounce down" approach.

Allen took the walking backwards approach.

Susan and Mary tried a combination of backwards and sideways!

This tree seemed to help guide us towards the parking lot at the trailhead.

Great Smokey Mountains Next Top Model

Still icy on the way back down

Back at the Legacy Lodge the sunset was just about complete

Drew and Grace head out for supper!

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