Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Incorporation (One Body)

And so begins the incorporation of another of God's children into a new life.
A life filled with love from an American family filled with children from three countries.




Jackson delights in so many toys!

We are grateful for the support of family and friends, including the wonderful Neals from Nixa.

Jackson learns songs, numbers, and letters.

Noah works on an art project for school.

Fun on the computer for Samuel and Annabelle

Jacob creates a new world of blocks with MineCraft.

Jackson loves his new momma.

Lucy and Noah bat the ball back and forth. Lucy uses only her phone.

Noah's fancy new Nike glasses
"Just Wear Them."

Relaxing Time!

Sophie (always posing for the camera; love it!)

Noah can pose, too.
Uh, ...okay.

Samuel, boy of 1,000 faces

Brothers before bedtime


  1. I absolutely love reading about your special family. A beautiful example of the Lord's love for us.

  2. Congratulations on Jackson! What a sweetie!
